While it’s true the internet subjects us to an endless array of previously unrealised horrors, we also sometimes come across Good Shit™.
Like r/PrisonHooch.
And, my lord, I’ve become obsessed with this subreddit.

So what is the prison hooch subreddit all about? Well, it’s a place where people brew homemade alcohol using whatever the hell they can get their hands on.
It’s named as such because the process is similar to how, you guessed it, folks make booze in prison.
Think of it as the DIY punk of alcohol abuse.

Making prison hooch — or alcohol in general — is absurdly simple. It’s why humans have been doing it since time immemorial.
And because we enjoy getting messed up, of course.
The science is straightforward: you mix sugar with yeast. In theory, almost anything consumable can become intoxicated — and it’s that fact the good folks on r/PrisonHooch have been exploiting.

The genesis of the Prison Hooch subreddit is twofold.
The first, according to the description at least, is to dispense of the arrogance around homebrewing. Anyone can make alcohol, they posit, so why be a nerdish dick about it?
The second reason r/PrisonHooch exists is purer: to have a damn good time.

There’s something beautiful about the human ingenuity on show on the Prison Hooch subreddit.
I mean, how many of us would even think of making wine out of Werther’s Originals? Let alone actually going through with it and discovering, with a certain amount of joy, that it’s unbearably awful?
That, friends, is the sort of spirit that put us into space. And we all should respect it.

Fundamentally, the Prison Hooch community is wholesome. They encourage each other to reach new heights, to attempt things that have never been done.
They’re explorers. Pioneers. Astronauts.
Prison hooch is unhinged. It’s gorgeous. And it’s oh so very human.

I salute you all — and may the lord have mercy on your souls.
I love this sub. Highly recommended. Everyone should learn to make their own crunk, just in case everything falls apart. If not, the comeback will be worse than post-prohibition beer.
I remember when this subreddit was in its infancy - I don't frequent reddit as much as I used to, but as a former pro brewer, I'm absolutely excited to see it's gained such a wonderful reputation.